Ecotrol Plus


Note: product analysis and/or label may differ depending on State or Country regulations.

Ecotrol Plus

A broad spectrum botanical insecticide/miticide for use in agriculture, fruits, nuts, vegetables, ornamentals, landscapes, turf, greenhouses, and nurseries.

Only protected handlers may be in the application area. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons either directly or through drift.


The use directions of this product are based on the results of product testing programs on a wide variety of plants. However, it is impossible to test this product on all species and cultivars. The phytotoxicity of KeyPlex Ecotrol® PLUS has been assessed on a wide variety of common ornamental plants with no phytotoxicity. However, not all plant species and their varieties and cultivars have been tested with KeyPlex Ecotrol® PLUS applied alone or with a possible tank mix combinations, sequential pesticide treatments, and adjuvants and surfactants. Local conditions also can influence plant tolerance and may not match those under which testing has been conducted. Therefore, before using KeyPlex Ecotrol® PLUS, test the products on a sample of the plant and/or seedling. Do not apply on plant when the temperature is 90° F or above.


KeyPlex Ecotrol® PLUS can be applied through most standard or field type sprayers after dilution and mixing with water in accordance with label instructions.

For best results, spray coverage should be uniform and complete. Always read and follow label directions for adjuvants.

PREHARVEST INTERVAL: KeyPlex Ecotrol® PLUS may be applied to crops at any time up to and including the day of harvest. Use lower rates for light to moderate insect infestations and higher rates for heavy infestations . Repeat application as required to maintain the desired level of control.

Mixing and Application Instructions


Apply spray solutions in properly maintained and calibrated equipment capable of delivering the desired volumes. Always clean tank, pump and lines thoroughly with water after use.


Add KeyPlex Ecotrol® PLUS to one-half (1/2) tank under agitation containing water of 45° F or greater before filling to desired level. When combining with other products, such as adjuvants, insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers or nutrients, add these products first when the tank is approximately 1/2 full. Ensure that there is good agitation while mixing for complete emulsification. Maintain agitation during spray application. In areas with hard water (water with a total hardness of greater than 200 ppm), it is recommended to completely fill tank with water first and then add a water softener, mix thoroughly, add the appropriate quantity of KeyPlex Ecotrol® PLUS, and mix thoroughly. It is critical that the water softener be added to the entire quantity of water and mixed thoroughly before introducing the KeyPlex Ecotrol® PLUS to achieve maximum emulsion.

Application Equipment and Techniques

Spray droplet size should be adjusted to maximize coverage, minimize drift, and allow application to the intended exposure area only.

Boom Equipment

For best insect control using hydraulic or hydraulic air assist equipment, use the recommended rate of this product in sufficient gallons of spray solution per acre as a broadcast spray. Spray should thoroughly wet foliage but not run off.

Hand-held and High Volume Equipment

Spray-to-wet applications of this product may be made with knapsack and backpack sprayers, pump-up pressure sprayers, handguns, hand wands, and other hand-held spray equipment and vehicle mounted high volume spray equipment. For the most efficient use of spray mixture, spray all leaf surfaces uniformly and completely to wetness.


• Prior to application, check the aircraft/helicopter spray equipment for uniformity of spray pattern, spray width and output.
• Apply a minimum of 15 gallons per acre of diluted product.
• Optimum results are obtained when plant foliage is not too dense.
• Use an output that will ensure optimum product penetration and coverage.
• Make aerial applications when the wind velocity favors on-target product deposition (approximately 3 to 10 mph).
• Do not apply when wind velocity exceeds 15 mph.
• Low humidity and high temperature increase the evaporation rate of spray droplets and therefore the likelihood of good coverage.
• Use the largest droplet size consistent with good pest control.
• Formulation of very small droplets may be minimized by appropriate nozzle selection, by orientating nozzles away from the air stream as much as possible, and by avoiding excessive spray boom pressure.
• Spray should be released at the lowest height consistent with pest control and flight safety. Applications more than 10 feet above the crop canopy is not recommended.

AGRICULTURE APPLICATION RATES: Spray when pests first appear. Repeat application every 5 to 7 days.

Crops: Including but not limited to… Insects/Mites: Including but not limited to… Application Rate in 100 gallons per Acre for Ground Applications
Christmas Trees Caution: Certain adjuvants may affect coloration of blue spruce Mites and Aphids 1.0 - 4.0 pt
Backyard Fruit and Nut Trees Aphids and Mites 12 - 48 oz. Use sufficient water to get thorough coverage
Mushroom Houses Mushroom flies (Phorids & Sciarids) 4 - 8 oz per gallon - Spray dilution on outside and inside walls, floors, and sideboards of mushroom houses after compost has been pasteurized by heating. Also spray over the plastic covering the beds and trays after spawning. Retreat as needed.

For aerial applications use a minimum of 15 gallons of spray volume per acre. Complete coverage of foliage is essential to achieve control. The foliage should be completely WET, but avoid runoff. The use of a spreader and/or penetrant adjuvant improves product performance.
PESTS CONTROLLED THROUGH DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEMS (including but not limited to): Cutworms, Wireworms, Root Maggots, Symphylans, and Crickets
CROPS TREATED BY DRIP IRRIGATION (including but not limited to): Beets, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Chinese Broccoli, Broccoli, Chinese Cabbage, Chinese Mustard, Cauliflower, Collard, Endive, Garlic, Ginseng, Kale, Melons (Cantaloupes, Casabas, Honeydew, Muskmelons, Persians, and Watermelons), Onions (bulb and green), Parsnips, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, Strawberries, Sugar Beets, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes.

Apply KeyPlex Ecotrol® PLUS through the drip irrigation systems at a rate of 2 pints per acre of plant bed as a preventative treatment or when pest infestation is low to moderate and 4 pints per acre of plant bed when pest infestation is high. Apply 2 to 3 applications of KeyPlex Ecotrol® PLUS over a 7 to 14 day schedule. Refer to local extension recommendations for additional information regarding pest populations and thresholds. KeyPlex Ecotrol® PLUS can be applied at any time during the crop cycle, from the time of planting to the harvest and there are no restrictions on the number of applications per season. For drip irrigation systems, set the emitter spacing and the line pressure to give the best bed coverage and reduce loss of chemigation products through leaching.

Bed Spacing

Linear Feet of Bed to Equal One Acre

KeyPlex Ecotrol® PLUS 2 pints/ acre Rate/1000 row feet

KeyPlex Ecotrol® PLUS 4 pints/acre Rate/1000 row feet
36 inches 14,520 ft 2.2 fl oz 4.4 fl oz
48 inches 10,890 ft 2.9 fl oz 5.9 fl oz
60 inches 8,712 ft 3.7 fl oz 7.4 fl oz
72 inches 7,260 ft 4.4 fl oz 8.8 fl oz

AGRICULTURE APPLICATION RATES: Spray when pests first appear. Repeat application every 5 to 7 days.</br

Crops: Including but not limited to… Insects/Mites: Including but not limited to… Application Rate in 100 gallons per Acre for Ground Applications
Legume and Fruiting Vegetables: Asparagus, Beans, Eggplants, Lentils, Peas, Peanuts, Peppers and Tomatoes Aphids, Beetles, Whiteflies, Two-Spotted Spider Mites, Plant Bugs, Thrips, and Early stages of Caterpillars 1.0 - 4.0 pt
Bulb, Cole and Leafy Vegetables: Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Garlic, Lettuce, Onions and Spinach Aphids, Beetles, Whiteflies, Two-Spotted Spider Mites, Plant Bugs, Thrips, and Early stages of Caterpillars 1.0 - 4.0 pt (For Onion: Use 1.0 - 5.0 pt)
Cucurbits: Cantaloupes, Cucumbers, Melons, Squashes and Watermelons Aphids, Beetles, Whiteflies, Two-Spotted Spider Mites,Plant Bugs, Thrips, and Early stages of Caterpillars 1.0 - 4.0 pt
Root and Tuber Vegetables: Carrots, Potatoes, Radishes, Sweet Potatoes and Turnips Aphids, Plant Bugs, Potato Leaf hoppers,Two-Spotted Spider Mite and Thrips 1.0 - 4.0 pt
Alfalfa Aphids, Leafhoppers, PlantBugs, Thrips and Early stages of Caterpillars 1.5 - 4.0 ptt
Herbs and Spices: Anise, Basil, Dill, Mint, Peppermint, Spearmint, Thyme, and Wintergreen Aphids, Leafhoppers, PlantBugs, Thrips and Early stages of Caterpillars 1.0 - 3.0 pt
Small Fruits and Berries: Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Raspberries and Strawberries Aphids, Leafhoppers, Mealybugs, Whiteflies, Lygus Bugs, Thrips, Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Pacific Spider Mite, McDaniel Mite, European Red Mite and Early stages of Leaf rollers and Caterpillars 1.0 - 4.0 pt Note: Raspberries do not exceed 3 pts per acre
Grapes and Hops: Grapes (Raisin, Table and Wine) Leafhoppers, Sharp shooters, Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Pacific Spider Mite, Willamette Mite, Thrips, Mealy bugs and Early stages of Leaf rollers and Caterpillars 1.0 - 4.0 pt
Stone Fruits and Pome Fruits: Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Peaches, Nectarines, Olives, Pears, Plums, Prunes, Pomegranates and Persimmons Aphids, Thrips, Leafhoppers, Psylla, Scales, Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Pacific Mite, McDaniel Mite, European Red Mite, Early stages of Leaf rollers and Caterpillars 2.0 - 5.0 pt
Citrus and Sub Tropicals: Avocados, Lemons, Grapefruit, Oranges, Papayas, Bananas, Plantains, Mangos Aphids, Thrips, Scales, Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Pacific Mite, Citrus Red Mite, Citrus Rust Mite, European Red Mite, Early stages of Leafrollers and Caterpillars 2.0 - 4.0 pt
Nuts: Almonds, Cashews, Pecans, Pistachios and Walnuts Aphids, Thrips, Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Pacific Mite, McDaniel Mite and European Red Mite 1.0 - 4.0 pt
FieldCrops: Corn, Cotton, Sorghum, Soybeans, Sweet Corn and Tobacco Aphids, Soybean Aphid, Beetles, Whiteflies, Two-Spotted Spider Mite, Plant Bugs, Thrips, and Early stages of Caterpillars 1.0 - 4.0 pt


PEST SUCH AS BUT NOT LIMITED TO: fl oz per 100 gal
APHIDS: Green Peach aphids, Pea aphids, Cotton aphids, Rose aphids 20 - 40
BEETLES: Flea beetles, Leaf beetles 20 - 48
Early stages of CATERPILLARS: Army worms, Leaf rollers, Loopers, Webworms 16 - 32
FLIES: Fungus gnats, Shore flies 16 - 32
LEAFHOPPERS: Grape leaf hoppers, Potato leaf hoppers 16 - 32
LEAFMINERS: Azaela leaf miners,Citrus leaf miners, Blotch leaf miners, Boxwood leaf miners 16 - 48
MEALYBUGS: Citrus mealy bugs, Long-tailed mealy bugs 16 - 48
MITES: Two-Spotted Spidermite, Broad mite, Citrus budmite, Cyclamen mite, Rust mite 16 - 48
SOFT SCALES (Crawler Stages) 16 - 48
THRIPS: Western flower thrips, Greenhouse thrips 32 - 64
WHITEFLIES: Greenhouse whiteflies, Silver leaf whiteflies 20 - 40


PEST SUCH AS BUT NOT LIMITED TO: fl oz per 100 gal
APHIDS: Green Peach aphids, Pea aphids, Cotton aphids, Rose aphids 20 - 40
BEETLES: Flea beetles, Leaf beetles, Mexican bean beetles, Rose chafers 32 - 64
BUGS: Boxelder bugs, Chinch bugs, Lygus bugs, Spittle bugs 16 - 32
Early stages of CATERPILLARS: Armyworms, Cutworms, Fruitworms, Gypsy moths, Hornworms, Leafrollers, Navel orange worms, Pine tip moths, Sod webworms, Tent caterpillars, Tobacco budworms 16 - 32
FLIES: Cherry maggots, Craneflies, Midges 20 - 40
LEAFHOPPERS: Variegated leaf hoppers and Sharpshooters 32 - 64
LEAFMINERS: Azaela leaf miners, Citrus leaf miners, Blotch leaf miners, Boxwood leaf miners 16 - 48
MEALYBUGS: Apple mealybugs, Citrus meal bugs, Grape mealybugs 16 - 48
MITES: Two-Spotted Spider mite, Broad mite, Citrus budmite, Cyclamen mite, Rust mite 16 - 48
PSYLLIDS: Pear psylla 16 - 48
Crawler stages of SCALES: Black scales, Brown soft scales, California red scales, Coffee scales, Olive scales, San Jose scales 16 - 48
PTHRIPS: Citrus thrips, Onion thrips, Western flower thrips 32 - 64
WHITEFLIES: Greenhouse whiteflies, Silverleaf whiteflies, Wooly whiteflies 16 - 32

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