KeyPlex Blueberry DP Formula


Note: product analysis and/or label may differ depending on State or Country regulations.

KeyPlex Blueberry DP Formula

KeyPlex Blueberry DP Formula is a formulation of micronutrients developed for berry crops grown in pine bark or bark incorporated soils.

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KeyPlex Blueberry DP Formula is a formulation of micronutrients developed for berry crops grown in pine bark or bark incorporated soils. It contains alpha-keto acids, which may facilitate utilization of micronutrients, and increase resistance to environmental stress. It also contains humic acid, which may enhance soil micronutrient availability. KeyPlex Blueberry DP Formula is formulated for foliar application or fertigation to prevent and correct micronutrient deficiencies when used as directed. Maintaining proper levels of micronutrients usually results in increased plant vigor, better yields, superior fruit size and quality, and longer shelf life.


KeyPlex Blueberry DP Formula, when added to the spray tank water, will lower the water pH, and can be used in combination with pesticides. However, in unfamiliar mixtures use a “jar compatibility” test.


FOLIAR APPLICATION: Use 2 to 3 quarts of KeyPlex Blueberry DP Formula per acre in a minimum of 30 gallons of water with ground spray equipment.  Adding 3 to 5 pounds of urea per 100 gallons of water will aid leaf assimilation. FERTIGATION: Apply 1 to 2 quarts of KeyPlex Blueberry DP Formula per acre via low volume irrigation.


Use 2 to 3 quarts of KeyPlex Blueberry DP Formula per acre in a minimum of 30 gallons of water with ground spray equipment. Adding 3 to 5 pounds of urea per 100 gallons of water will aid assimilation by the leaf.


Apply 1 to 2 quarts of KeyPlex Blueberry DP Formula per acre via low volume irrigation.

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