Video Library

Persian Lemon Grower Finds Success with KeyPlex
Issues with PFD, HLB and Wood Packet, Alex had low yields and poor quality of fruit. Afte years of trying, he attributes his successful grove to KeyPlex nutritional, insecticides and fungicide program.

Pepper Grower Testimonial – El Sifon Ajuterique
One of our fantastic customers in Honduras praises KeyPlex nutritional products for helping with successful harvest.

KeyPlex AWP Highlight Video
New tools for controlling navel orangeworm – a leading pest in nut crops – don’t come down the pike very often. So, when Ryan Finnen, farm manager at Myers Seed and Trebec Farms, heard about the launch of KeyPlex’s AWP, he was eager to try it.

KeyPlex Overview
KeyPlex – Your Trusted Partner to Unlock the Complexity
of Plant Health and Vector Control!

KeyPlex Ecotrol Plus Extended
Today’s growers are looking for efficient and profitable solutions, while consumers are looking for safe, healthy produce, free of chemical residues that may put their health and the health of our environment, at risk. Let’s introduce you to KeyPlex Ecotrol Plus…

KeyPlex AWP Full Interview with Ryan Finnen – Finnen manages 3,000 acres of almonds in Colusa County, CA. He says he saw very heavy NOW pressure last year and is seeing early activity this spring, although it is too early yet to judge. He was pleased enough with the results of trialing AWP last season that he is applying it to all his almonds this year.


As plants grow and produce flowers, fruit and seeds, they need essential micronutrients to support these processes for optimal yield. KeyPlex’s unique complex chelation technology allows important micronutrients to be absorbed quickly and efficiently into leaves, where they are easily absorbed and dispersed to the areas where the plant needs them.
